Co-creation requires inner alignment with ourselves and others, honouring our gifts and challenges.
A constant learning...staying open to unexpected situations, listening to the newness of each moment, responding with sensitivity and awareness, considering the flow and practical needs, an energetic dance of love and freedom, balancing flexibility with clear intention.
We are here as longtime friends, collaborating as a team, where each of us plays a different role, yet keep coming back to the core - trusting our hearts.

Komala Lyra
This venture is born out of my heart's longing to make love visible in sensorial and tangible ways.
Life has taken me all over the world, sharing over 20 years in various communities where aliveness, joy, realness, meditation, love, creativity, and self-reflection were at the core. During these years, I experienced the awesome power of co-creation .
I am here to create spaces of intimacy with other humans, in harmony with nature, turning possibilities into realisations.
As a groundbreaker, I have tremendous resilience, dedicating my passion to the ones I love and the creations that inspire my soul.
My background embraces healing arts, architecture, dance, writing, Ayurveda-Yoga-Tantra, facilitating educational programs while enjoying the flow of creative play.
Life is about taking risks to follow invisible threads, embracing the waves of change, daring to break through new horizons, rooted in the connection between body, soul, spirit, and Earth.

Grounding Force
Sebastien Reco
I can find many reasons why i joined this adventure:
a desire to co-create and live with friends that become family, a longing to find a place after many years traveling, a calling to be in nature, having the spaciousness for my creativity and imagination can unfold and materialise, ...
The truth is that none of that is "the reason". It all started from an inner call, from a sense of knowing that "this is what i'm supposed to do, where i'm supposed to be".
The naturalness of the flow is what brought me here. The will to come back to Love together is what makes me stay.
I like to see this adventure as a laboratory to make human experiments and discover what happens when
people gather, with heart connection, emotional intelligence, self awareness and the will to come back to Love everytime that we are lead astray.
From my background of wide range life's experiences and studies around the globe, i share an inclusive perspective to embrace of much/many as i can; my sense of interconnectivity of every aspect of reality.
Though, beyond skills, I put my heart and care to this project in everything i do here, from the smallest details as handyman, to the global views as project manager and on a daily base as caretaker of the land, ...

Amir Suissa
I was drawn to this community by an inner calling. I felt a deep resonance with the project's mission and knew I wanted to actively support and be an integral part of its evolution.
My vision is to co-create a sanctuary; a 'home away from home' where individuals are not only empowered to be themselves but also continuously inspired to learn and grow. I believe that together we are able to harness the beauty and gifts of each and everyone in the group.
I have a rich background as an entrepreneur and have been actively investing in tech startups. This journey has provided me with invaluable experiences, insights I believe can be beneficial to our community.
I envision my role in this project as a bridge builder, connecting the diverse worlds of our various stakeholders. Leveraging my extensive experience in establishing and managing ventures, I aim to contribute meaningfully, ensuring that our collective goals are realized.

Connection Weaver
Alice Hong
My inspiration to be a part of this project came from a heart’s desire to co-create beauty and share life with those I love.
Responding to a desire for a place on the planet to land, exhale, and see what emerge when we gather our hearts and skills together, with connection at our core.
What draws me to this land is her simplicity. The golden light that caresses the wild grass. The diamond sparkle on the lake. The sweetness of the trees and shrubs.
With my Sociology degree with a focus on group dynamics and over 15+ years leading groups in wholistic personal development, I bring with me my gift of creating authentic connections and deep listening.
I am here this project to learn, to dance together, to BE.

Creativity Sparker
Dawn Cherie Ezrahi
I am an inspirational performer, dancer, singer, a Watsu’er and a teacher of sacred love relationships.
Since graduating in Human Ecology from the College of the Atlantic in Maine, I continue to work deeply with nature and its wisdom. My work integrates various in-depth studies, including non-violent communication, and healing arts.
Life is my laboratory of love, freedom and exponential growth, and work with dedicated visionaries is an honor.

Inspirational Activist
Dez Nichols
My passion is to support educators, therapists, counselors, and guides to deepen their skills, presence, and mastery in the areas of healthy living, relationships, and sexuality.
I have been a global networker and seeder of loving freedom, teaching Sacred Temple Arts to share, inspire, and support others in the activation and integration of life force.
My contribution to the Healing Arts and himan consciousness has been shared as an internationally renowned speaker and teacher, Daka, author, singer-songwriter, transformational guide, and as founder of the International School of Temple Arts (ISTA), Annual Sexuality and Consciousness Festivals and Conferences around the world.

Community Builder
Pele Ohad
I am a great believer in the need to establish community pockets, out of the “normal” rush, where humans can not only survive but flourish in close connection to nature and the elements. I have been looking to be part of a project like this in Portugal with likeminded people. When Komala called friends for this project I felt a “YES” in my being, so am now part of this circle.
My vision is a community of likeminded people that is based in trust. A place where all individuals involved can feel that no one is there to harm them or take advantage of them in any way possible. The opposite: a place where you know that everybody is there with deep integrity, sovereignty, and working in synergy. A place like that is a sanctuary for the human heart. I can see myself building my own home on the land in the future, when time is ripe for that move.
For decades I have been involved in creating and navigating alternative communities, schools of thought, and facilitating transformational experiences for groups and individuals all over the world.
I am a writer of fiction and non-fiction books and an artist. I look forward to sitting under a fig tree in our garden and create art with the inspiration of the land.

Allies beyond Time
Yaku & Kuntur
Our friends and allies in grounding the intention on the land and opening our space with meaningful ceremonies.
Their presence and sacred rituals have been a special gift to the land.
Living in the Sacred Valley, Peru, they come to visit yearly, bringing their profound connection with Earth as the teacher, and the beauty of their music.

Duquesa is the white mare who was already part of the land and was passed on to our care.
Surprisingly, she was pregnant and Gabi was born at Monte California January 2, 2022 and is now a strong stallion.
They are free horses, infusing the landscape with their gentle spirit.